Today began with a trip to Charminar, which is a landmark here in Hyderabad. It was kind of crazy. I guess the locals here aren't as used to tourists as they are, say, at the Taj Mahal. I went with my driver, Muzzafar, and another expat named Tim. The first time someone asked to take our pictures, Tim was like, "Wow! This is awesome! I'm famous!" But the novelty wore off quickly. We posed for a few pictures with people who asked. Then I had about 5 Indian guys surround me for a picture and that was kind of awkward. So after that I just pretended not to hear when people asked for "snaps"!

Here I am at the top of Charminar with a view of the city street below. Like my shirt? It's one that I got from Sakhi's sister! It's very comfortable!!!

The inside of the structure (picture taken from upstairs)

Yup, this is pretty much what traffic is like here. And no, I have not ridden in one of the little 3-wheeled cabs, nor do I intend to.
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