Two people + 5 pugs on a walk... wow. Thankfully we live just around the corner from a middle school with a big field behind it. The field is surrounded by the nature preserve, so it's the perfect area to let everyone off their leashes to play frisbee. These pictures were taken yesterday when the temperature was over 80, so we had to bring along the water bottle. Yes, pugs overheat easily.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Hotel for Pugs
Christmas 2008
We had a fun-filled 4 days in Aspen for Christmas!! Unfortunately, these were the only two pictures I took the entire time. We stayed at a great resort situated right at the base of the Aspen Highlands mountain, so we could just walk right over to the lift. I was a little rusty on my ski skills, but Phil did great!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
White Rock Half Marathon

Despite seriously slacking in our training, my sister and I ran the White Rock Half Marathon this Sunday. We had to mix in some walking, but finished respectably in less than 3 hours! The start of the race was so much fun with a jet flyover and confetti everywhere. The weather was perfect, in the upper 60s. When we reached the Katy Trail around mile 10, my hip seriously began to hurt and so I pretty much hobbled through the last 3 miles with a lot of encouragement from Brittany. I know I sometimes hate running but I'm thinking about doing the Country Music Half Marathon in Nashville in April....

That hurt!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sheldon has mastered the doggy door!
He's little, but he bounds around so much that I figured the doggy door wouldn't be too high a hurdle for the little guy. Sure enough, he barely hesitated in going out for the first time, after I clipped the flap out of the way. He was a little more hesitant to come in, but I think it's just because he loves being outside so much.
First time going out -
Coming back inside (with some encouragement) -
First time going out -
Coming back inside (with some encouragement) -
Sheldon's Day
Chilling in Aunt Courtney's lap :)
Meet Sheldon! He is Brittany's new puppy, which means Phil and I get to share in the joys of puppyhood vicariously. He came home on Saturday. I was thinking that Ruby and Dora would be thrilled to have a little furball to nurture and play with. Unfortunately, the girls are not so excited about Sheldon. Maybe it's the lingering memories of the disaster that was our foster pug-terrier, Roscoe, or maybe they're just older and more crotchety than I thought.
Sheldon is 10 weeks old and he's a typical puppy - play, play, play... then crash! Right now he's snuggling in my lap, but earlier he was biting me and eating my hair and howling at me to put him up on the couch. This one definitely has a strong personality!
Brittany is at work and I'm currently enjoying a month off before I start a new job, so I've volunteered to be Sheldon's nanny during the day. I know Brittany was sad to leave him this morning so I'm going to post his *every* activity for her today....
5:00 AM - woke Brittany up to take a #1 outside
7:00 AM - Brittany fed him breakfast
7:30 AM - #2 accident inside
7:55 AM - #1 outside in front yard (he wore his harness and I put the leash on him)
8:40 AM - #1 and #2 outside in front yard
9:00 AM - nap time with Dora!
9:45 AM - #1 outside in back yard
10:30 AM - #1 outside in back yard
30 minutes of wild play time in back yard with Ruby and Dora!
10:45 AM - used doggy door all by himself and did #2 in back yard
Loooooong nap
12:20 PM - ate lunch vigorously! Tried to steal Ruby's lunch when he finished his own!
12:45 PM - whined at his food bowl so pitifully that he earned himself a second helping of lunch
1:20 PM - more back yard playtime, another #2
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Some people might find graveyards creepy; I find them fascinating. Especially one like Riverside Cemetery in Sterling where a lot of Bogotts are buried. I took pictures so that one day when I have time to devote to genealogy, I can have some names and dates handy.

Bob Bogott was my grandfather's cousin. I remember visiting him in Sterling when I was young. His wife Jarmon would always have M&M's and Cokes for my sisters and me! They were Mennonites. Bob kept a notebook containing family research and once I remember him saying that when you look at some of the wedding dates versus the dates of the first baby's arrival, there were a lot of premature 10-lb babies born in the family. Ha!

I don't know who these people are... but I'll find out!

My great-grandfather (Arthur Ellsworth - hence the A. E. Bogott & Sons steel business) and great-grandmother.
Bob Bogott was my grandfather's cousin. I remember visiting him in Sterling when I was young. His wife Jarmon would always have M&M's and Cokes for my sisters and me! They were Mennonites. Bob kept a notebook containing family research and once I remember him saying that when you look at some of the wedding dates versus the dates of the first baby's arrival, there were a lot of premature 10-lb babies born in the family. Ha!
I don't know who these people are... but I'll find out!
My great-grandfather (Arthur Ellsworth - hence the A. E. Bogott & Sons steel business) and great-grandmother.
Daily Gazette - 28 August 1913. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bogott died this morning at 8 o’clock, aged 10 days. Private funeral services were held this afternoon with interment in Riverside. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement.

My grandfather, whom I never met, and my precious grandmother, who was born into eternal life last year. I miss her.
My grandfather, whom I never met, and my precious grandmother, who was born into eternal life last year. I miss her.
After Chicago, we swung through Sterling for a couple of days. It was so wonderful to see my Aunt Liz, Uncle Dan, and my cousins Amy and Ted. (Kristen is still in Germany for now... check out her blog on the right and keep the Martins in your prayers!)

This was a new bridge across the Rock River. It was so cold, but beautiful to watch the sunset!

View from the bridge right over the Sinnissippi dam.

Aunt Liz and Dad. They had some fun stories to tell us about how they used to sell sinkers to the bums along the shores of the river!

Sunset in Rock Falls/Sterling.
This was a new bridge across the Rock River. It was so cold, but beautiful to watch the sunset!
View from the bridge right over the Sinnissippi dam.
Aunt Liz and Dad. They had some fun stories to tell us about how they used to sell sinkers to the bums along the shores of the river!
Sunset in Rock Falls/Sterling.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
We just saw "Fireproof." It's the best move I've seen in years. Take your spouse to go see this if you haven't already.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Laity Sunday
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Little C-Monster
I had a chance to visit Stephanie in Memphis this week when I had to be in town for a client. Chloe has gotten so big since the last time I saw her! She's so smily and sweet. The only time I ever heard her fuss was when she saw her morning bottle. She absolutely shrieked with delight. Steph said she loves to eat and I can believe it!!
LHB practice
On Friday afternoon we stopped by Richardson High School to watch the Longhorn Band practice for their halftime show at the TX/OU game (which was yesterday and yes, good triumphed over evil).
Of course, as a former member of the high school band, I was in heaven. I love marching bands. We haven't had a chance to go to Austin for any games this year and that is the biggest thing I miss - the sound of the band (and of course the sea of burnt orange in the stadium).
I was able to take this video with my phone. It does not do justice to the awesomeness of this band but it was all I could get!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Bethany Boba Tea House experience
Today Brittany and I caved to our craving for authentic bubble tea. About a month ago, when we had occasion to be in Plano, we tried out a place called Fat Straws. It was good, but waaay far north of home, kind of overpriced, and... well, I can't exactly put it into words, but it had that franchised feel to it.
We looked for bubble tea closer to home and found the website for Bethany Boba Tea House in Arlington, about a 15 minute drive from home. It was in a strip mall that contained the following restaurants: Acopulco Restaurant, Nizza's Pizza, a Mediterranean grill, The India Star, and the Bethany Boba Tea House. Diversity? - check.
Brittany ordered the iced almond milk tea with boba:

It was so good that we are going back tomorrow for lunch. I think I'll avoid the stinky tofu, however.

Needless to say, this place has landed a spot on my local favorites list! The employees were so friendly, and they played Christian music which earns them bonus points.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
If you have ever driven down Main Street in Duncanville, you've probably noticed a cute little drug store called Ben Franklin Apothecary. We drove past it every Sunday for 2 years on the way to and from church. Finally, one Friday this summer, Phil and I met with our pastor on a weekday to discuss FPU, and after the meeting we decided to go in for lunch at the little deli inside the drugstore. It's called Kitchen's Deli and it is now on the list of my top favorite local restaurants. We went there for lunch yesterday and split a cherry vanilla ice cream soda - YUMM.
What other places are on my list, you ask? Drum roll please.... here they are:
1. The Commissary - Germantown, TN (best barbeque in the world)
2. Kitchens Deli - Duncanville, TX (everything is amazing, especially their old-fashioned ice cream sodas)
3. Sam's Pizza & Pasta - Cedar Hill, TX (best house salad dressing I've ever tasted)
4. Cafe Etc. - Cordova, TN (what really puts this place on my list is the fried dill pickles)
5. Veracruz - Duncanville, TX (especially when they have live music!)
As you can see, to be included on the above list you must be a local place. No chains allowed!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tour des Fleurs 10k
My most recent Grocery Game success
Friday, September 19, 2008
It's cold in Texas
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This one's for Meg
Meg had a funny post on her blog recently about unnecessary quotation marks. This photo was taken at the grocery store.

I get so annoyed with signs that are printed with incorrect spelling or punctuation. Near our old house in Cedar Park, there was a high school with a "Busses Only" traffic sign by one entrance. Also, one of my favorite restaurants in Cedar Hill, Sam's, has a big neon sign advertising their expressos. Ugh!
Financial Peace update

On Sunday, we had our first class for Financial Peace University at our church, First United Methodist Duncanville. We had a full classroom with 19 people attending! We have been so blessed since we started following Dave Ramsey's principles about personal finance, and it means so much to us that our pastor Dr. Jim Bowden was supportive of our plans to bring FPU to FUMCD.
Traveling Pug
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