Monday, December 1, 2008

Sheldon's Day

Chilling in Aunt Courtney's lap :)
Meet Sheldon! He is Brittany's new puppy, which means Phil and I get to share in the joys of puppyhood vicariously. He came home on Saturday. I was thinking that Ruby and Dora would be thrilled to have a little furball to nurture and play with. Unfortunately, the girls are not so excited about Sheldon. Maybe it's the lingering memories of the disaster that was our foster pug-terrier, Roscoe, or maybe they're just older and more crotchety than I thought.
Sheldon is 10 weeks old and he's a typical puppy - play, play, play... then crash! Right now he's snuggling in my lap, but earlier he was biting me and eating my hair and howling at me to put him up on the couch. This one definitely has a strong personality!
Brittany is at work and I'm currently enjoying a month off before I start a new job, so I've volunteered to be Sheldon's nanny during the day. I know Brittany was sad to leave him this morning so I'm going to post his *every* activity for her today....

5:00 AM - woke Brittany up to take a #1 outside
7:00 AM - Brittany fed him breakfast
7:30 AM - #2 accident inside
7:55 AM - #1 outside in front yard (he wore his harness and I put the leash on him)
8:40 AM - #1 and #2 outside in front yard
9:00 AM - nap time with Dora!
9:45 AM - #1 outside in back yard
10:30 AM - #1 outside in back yard
30 minutes of wild play time in back yard with Ruby and Dora!
10:45 AM - used doggy door all by himself and did #2 in back yard
Loooooong nap
12:20 PM - ate lunch vigorously! Tried to steal Ruby's lunch when he finished his own!
12:45 PM - whined at his food bowl so pitifully that he earned himself a second helping of lunch
1:20 PM - more back yard playtime, another #2

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