We gave them some steak bones Thursday night. It was delicious for them and good entertainment for us. Dora wasn't very good at pulling the meat off; however, Ruby quickly learned to hold the bone down with one paw to get better gnawing action.

Ruby "Don't Mess With My Bone" Moser
Today was a nice lazy Saturday so we walked them over to the middle school to play frisbee. This is a cute video clip showcasing Ruby's mad jumping/teeth gripping skills. Sorry, I held the camera vertically not realizing that it would make the video clip hard to watch. Tilt your head and enjoy.
And finally, the biggest mystery around our house is how Dora managed to get a huge gash on her tongue. It's hard to get her to hold still to take a picture of it, so here's my best attempt. It looks painful! We noticed it a few days ago when we came home from work to find Ruby covered in bloody spots. I cleaned her up but couldn't find any cuts on her body. After a while we finally noticed that the source was Dora's mouth! Ouch!
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