Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Pug Holiday
Here is a cute video of the new spectacular musical group "Mema and 3 Hairy Moser Men". Aren't they great?! (Philip has since shaved his beard, he is much more kissable now!)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Mike Leach is a big whiner!

Texas Tech head coach Mike Leach went on a post game rant after his Red Raiders were beaten in Austin yesterday by the Longhorns. He claimed that one particular official was biased against his team and that the fix was on. If coach Leach would simply look at the statistics and the game film of the calls in question he might be inclined to recant those statements. The replay of both disallowed touchdowns clearly showed a dropped pass on one and a sumo style take down on another. Here are the penalty stats: Texas Tech 6, for 68 yards, Texas, 7 for 89 yards. Is that bias? Maybe coach Leach should concentrate on recruiting some defensive players that actually want to tackle and not on whining about the officiating. I know I'm a UT homer, but even the most impartial fan could see that this game was called fairly. They could also see that Michael Crabtree is going to be a beast in the NFL soon. Phil in Dallas- I'm out.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
It's self-cleaning!!!
This cracks me up because I actually tried to take a video of this toilet in the Frankfurt airport because I was so fascinated by its self-cleaning magic. However, I decided that would be kind of weird so I didn't. But it turns out that somebody else was equally impressed by the same toilet, took a video, and posted it on YouTube. So what the heck... I'll share their video.
The pug update
We gave them some steak bones Thursday night. It was delicious for them and good entertainment for us. Dora wasn't very good at pulling the meat off; however, Ruby quickly learned to hold the bone down with one paw to get better gnawing action.

Ruby "Don't Mess With My Bone" Moser
Today was a nice lazy Saturday so we walked them over to the middle school to play frisbee. This is a cute video clip showcasing Ruby's mad jumping/teeth gripping skills. Sorry, I held the camera vertically not realizing that it would make the video clip hard to watch. Tilt your head and enjoy.
And finally, the biggest mystery around our house is how Dora managed to get a huge gash on her tongue. It's hard to get her to hold still to take a picture of it, so here's my best attempt. It looks painful! We noticed it a few days ago when we came home from work to find Ruby covered in bloody spots. I cleaned her up but couldn't find any cuts on her body. After a while we finally noticed that the source was Dora's mouth! Ouch!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Home sweet home!
- It's great to be home!!! Phil picked me up at the airport yesterday afternoon and gave me a bouquet of roses. He has a beard now! I will have to post a picture of his new look later.
- Yesterday was the day that would not end. I skipped back 7 hours and the flight from Frankfurt to Dallas was a nearly unbearable 11.5 hours in duration. Ugh. I hope I don't have to travel again anytime soon for work. I am thoroughly sick of fleugzeugs.
- All of my photos from my trip to Germany are posted here.
- Sorry, there will not be any interesting posts for a while. I am going to be swamped at work and studying for my audit exam/running in my spare time! Maybe Phil will take up blogging. I do feel bad that the "Court and Phil blog" is really just the Courtney blog.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Sweet baby Emma
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Schloss Benrath
This rococo and neoclassical Palace was built in the mid-eighteenth century by the architect and landscape gardener Pigage, commissioned by the local Elector Carl Theodor. The Palace sits in 60 hectares of beautifully landscaped gardens. Many of the Palace rooms are as they would have looked when originally built.
The fall colors here are amazing and it was great to spend the afternoon in the fresh air walking around the gardens. There weren't any flowers to see because everything is covered in a blanket of leaves, but that's almost as pretty! This would be a great place to go running - the grounds were really extensive. Emma slept most of the time in her cozy little stroller.

The front of the palace/hunting lodge.

A map in the museum showing what it would have looked like back in the day. (Although it certainly isn't run-down or anything now. It's gorgeous!)

Me and Kristen

There were lots of swans, geese, and mallard ducks

Kristen and David
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Guten tag from Düsseldorf!
It's been over 5 years since I last saw Kristen (at Stephanie and Ben's wedding) so we had fun catching up today! She and David are here as missionaries and will be living in Germany for 3 years.
Despite the cold and drizzly weather, we walked all over the place today (including down to the Rhein) and I really enjoyed taking in the sights. I had a very yummy bratwurst and some equally delicious German chocolate. Then I saw a Starbucks, yay!!! Brittany thinks I am addicted, but I'm not... it was just strange not ever having it as an option in India.
The only problem here is that people can't tell I don't speak German just by looking at me so I just smile and say "sorry". At least in India, they'd take one look at me and do their best to speak English. I downloaded some basic German lessons on my iPod, but I don't remember anything except "danke" and "guten tag". I also learned the word for "airplane" because they repeat it like a million times on Lufthansa flights, so for the record, my favorite German word is "flugzeug" (literally "fly-thing"). Very fun to say.
Tomorrow we are going to go to church, then tour a castle here in Düsseldorf, and possibly take a train to Cologne. Stay tuned for more pics! Sorry these are kind of blurry!

Hooray! I missed you, my grande chais!

Emma, Kristen, and me

She was so happy in her stroller!

The slightly twisted steeple of St. Lambertus church was an accident caused by builders using damp timbers!

Friday, November 2, 2007
Bundi experience

Health department? Running water? Hand sanitizer? Unheard of at a bundi, apparently...

Deep-fried green chilies - not my favorite item on the menu!

These are good. It's fried lentils of some sort but it just tastes like tempura-fried dough.

They insisted that I try chat (so it turns out that's not the term for internet cafe) and so I did. It was a crispy thing covered in a hot stew-like substance made of chickpeas, with fried noodles and diced tomatoes sprinkled on top. A little spicy but not bad. I look like such a girly girl with the way I'm sticking out my pinky finger. I should photoshop that out.

The bowl was actually made of leaves! Wow! I was excited to learn this. Pollution here is so bad that it's good to know at least some of their trash is biodegradable!
Last Day in India, part 2
Last Day in India

I'm still not sure what an "Income Tax Colony" is...

I love the way the girls ride "side-saddle"

This annoys me.

There's something for everyone here! Even Mama Roxie would like this part!
