Monday, September 3, 2007

Maui 'Aumākua 2.4 Mile Swim

Happy Labor Day! This morning was another early one, since we had to drive about an hour to get to the Wailea area of south Maui for the 'Aumākua 2.4 Mile Swim. This was an amazing event. First of all, it was a lot less hectic because we didn't have to deal with a boat.

The race started at the beach in front of the Maui Prince Hotel and the entire course was in shallow water. In fact, most of the course was right over beautiful coral reefs and I spotted not one, not two, but THREE sea turtles below me as I swam! It was so much fun that I didn't even try to swim fast - I just wanted to enjoy the scenery.

At the 2 mile mark there was a submerged coral arch (about 15 feet down) and if you swam through it, you received a bracelet which entitled you to 1 minute off your final time. I did it, which made my final time a very unimpressive 1:06 instead of 1:07. But it sure was fun!!!

Pre-race smile

Trying not to let the guy behind me get ahead of me

My finish

Whew! I'm done!

Obviously this isn't me - but it's a picture of the coral arch I swam through

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