Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Day (Back) in India

I'm back in Hyderabad for the first time in almost exactly 3 years. Honestly, I had been so focused on planning my post-India vacation in London & Paris with Brittany that I forgot to be excited about being back here in India, but once I landed I was reminded of a lot of fun memories from my last trip!

I left Memphis at 2:48 pm on Saturday. First stop was Chicago, where I had a brief layover - just enough time to hit up the United business lounge, watch an episode of Glee season 1 part 2, and get all relaxed with my new favorite drink, a Tanquerray and tonic (thanks to Critter for the recommendation). At 6:30 I departed Chicago bound for Frankfurt - an 8 hour + 14 minute flight. The plane was pretty old, and business class didn't have the lay-flat seats. It was not very comfortable. Also, the power in the seat didn't work so my computer became useless after the second episode of Glee, after which I was intending to get some work done. I decided to take that as my cue to try to sleep, so after dinner was cleared away, I took a sleeping pill. The next thing I remember, they were serving breakfast with only an hour left in the flight.

It was 10:00 AM when we landed in Frankfurt. We had to walk off the plane and board a bus that shuttled us to the terminal. An older gentleman sat next to me on the bus, and his wife was right across the aisle. Noticing a St. Louis Cardinals luggage tag on his bag, I asked where he was from. It turns out he and his wife live in Alton, IL, which is only about a 20-minute drive from the college where Phil and I met as undergrads. I didn't catch their names, but hopefully my they are now having a fabulous time on their tour of Rome and their cruise around Greece!

I only had an hourlong layover in Frankfurt, so I made a quick stop to buy some postcards for all my favorite little Texans (no, not Brittany...) and then had to rush to my next gate. Fortunately, the Lufthansa plane was a lot nicer than the United one. My seat mate was a nice man from Ohio who was making a 3-day trip to Hyderabad, a 2-day trip to Chennai, and then returning home. I can't imagine that kind of itinerary. I'm glad I'll be staying here long enough to get accustomed to the time change and decompress after 24 straight hours of travel. Honestly, if I had to get back on a plane on Friday night, I would not be my usually pleasant self. I think four weeks is just about a perfect stay for me.

The flight from Frankfurt to Hyderabad was 8 hours + 22 minutes. I stayed awake the entire time. What a short day! We departed Frankfurt at 11:00 AM local time, and about four hours later I looked out my window to see the prettiest sliver of the moon on the horizon:
It was a very strange feeling... the shortest day I can ever remember! We finally landed in Hyderabad at 11:30 PM local time at the new Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, which is stunning. (Actually, it's not "new" - it's been open about 2.5 years, but the last time I was here it wasn't open yet, so it's new to me.)

Lucky me, my 2 checked bags were the very first to come out on the belt, so I was out of the airport very quickly. It's pretty intimidating when you walk out of customs to the area where all of the drivers and relatives are waiting for passengers, especially since I was the first one from my flight to walk out. However, my driver from the hotel found me right away and then we were off.

I was actually looking forward to the adventure of getting re-familiarized with Indian traffic habits, but the trip from the airport to the Novotel was uneventful. There's a highway that goes right from the airport to the Hitec City area; it looks pretty new. We hardly encountered any other cars along the way and it only took about 20 minutes to reach the hotel. I got checked in, unpacked, called Phil on Skype, and then crashed around 3 AM, waking up on my own at 8 AM.

Sunday was complete waste of a day! I wanted to get a lot of work done, but I found myself stuck in a post-travel haze all day. I did venture out of the room for breakfast and then sat by the pool for 10 minutes, but I didn't have a book (stupid me didn't pack any non-electronic reading materials) so I got bored quickly. I spent the rest of the day as a lazy recluse in my room. The day's non-highlights included a 3-hour nap, work, staring out the window at the people playing volleyball in the pool, watching French programs on TV, and video chatting with Phil and Brittany via gmail.

I made myself go to bed at 12:30 AM with hopes of sleeping till 8, but only slept for 2 hours and then popped up, wide awake, hungry, and bored. Please pardon this long, tedious blog entry but there's not much else to do at this hour. Now I have 7 hours before I have to go in to work (my team works 2 PM to 11 PM IST but I like to get in by 1 PM). At some point before then I should probably get a couple more hours of sleep.... like I said, I'm glad I'll be here long enough to adjust!

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