Thursday, February 28, 2008

We are ready for Financial Peace!

We have decided to make some big changes in our spending habits! In anticipation of taking the Financial Peace University class, hopefully at our own church, we have already started taking steps to cut our spending, get out of debt (we're talking everything), and get a lifelong savings plan put into action.

So in anticipation of some BIG changes in habits we have taken the following steps:

  1. We have cancelled our home phone. I was tired of paying $50 a month just for telemarketer calls, anyway - who needs it? Of course, this required installing a cell backup unit for our home security system (at a cost of $200) but that cost will be recovered in just a few months. So if you have our old home phone number, 972-237-xxxx, you can delete it because it isn't connected anymore. The funny thing about cancelling the home phone was how the lady "had to warn me" that I should keep the home phone for emergencies. What, I asked, I can't call 911 from my cell phone? "Well, it works differently and they might not be able to find you as quickly if you have an emergency. So, then, would you like to keep the account open?" Let's see... in my 27 years of life I have never needed to call 911 (except once as a kid I did it on accident and the police came to our house, sorry Mom and Dad)... sooo, should I continue paying $50 a month JUST IN CASE in the next 27 years I might need to call 911, but forget my address, and it might take the police an extra few minutes to show up? Thanks but no thanks, cancel the line. I'll take my chances.
  2. We have also cancelled satellite ($50 a month). We decided that we don't need to be so dependent on TV for entertainment, especially when most of what we watch is on the networks anyway. When I called Time Warner to cancel, I got a million questions and they tried to up-sell me on a million different great "deals". Finally, when the lady realized I was serious, she offered me the $13 a month basic basic basic package. For $13 a month, they'll provide me with network channels only. What? Really? You want to charge me $13 a month for something that comes through FREE with an antenna???? No thanks.
  3. Tivo also got the ax ($14 a month). I was truly sad to see Tivo go, but it doesn't work if you don't have cable or satellite so we cut it. Plus, last year Phil won a DVD player/writer that we can use to record our "must-see" TV shows (that would be LOST, and Heroes whenever it comes back). So that solves the Tivo problem. I really would be sad to have to miss LOST on the weeks I travel.
  4. Finally, although I've done Grocery Game for the last 3 years, sometimes I get lazy and stop cutting coupons for a while. I did that a lot last year, in fact, so we were probably paying too much for groceries. But since January, I have stuck to it more. My best savings yet was 71%!!! Yes, 71%, I'm serious!!!

What else is new with us? Next weekend we are taking a trip to Athens and staying in the finest hotel they have to offer. Doesn't fit in with our new savings initiative, you say? Well, actually, that would be Athens, TEXAS and the finest hotel in town is the Holiday Inn Express. We're heading there for the Athens YMCA triathlon. It was the first triathlon I ever did, back in 2004. I remember it was a beautiful day but I was pretty miserable with a head cold. I completed the event anyway (just a sprint tri). I haven't been back since then but this year, Phil and I are both signed up because we wanted to have an event to work towards early in the season!

1 comment:

ruth said...

courtney,i enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you guys are up to out there in texas. what is the grocery game??? i like the idea of 71% savings. enlighten me, please:)