In other pug news, I took the babies to the vet a few days ago for their rabies shots and annual check-ups. I was really nervous for Dora because recently I noticed a tiny bald spot on her, where the skin underneath was a different color (white) than the rest of her skin (tan). I was so worried that it might be a cancerous spot or something terrible. When I told the vet about it and asked if he knew what it might be, he just laughed at me. "I can tell you exactly what it is," he said. "It's just a scar." Ruby strikes again. Those two can really get in some bad fights!
Anyway, sorry for the lack of blogging lately, if anyone has been checking. Our camera is beyond fixing. Not that I would have had anything interesting to photograph, though. Nothing new has happened in the past few weeks. Work suddenly has me slammed but I get to go to Memphis next week for a client, so that means I get to see my parents, Steph, Ben, and Austin!
This is going to be a great year, though, even if I don't cross each and every one of the above items off my to-do list. Phil is going to start an MBA program in the fall and hopefully this is the year I'll finally make it official with the CPA thing. We're not planning any big trips - but who knows what little adventures will come our way. This weekend, it will be racquetball.