I have been sick all week. After the MS 150 (which was actually only an MS 86 for us, since we only rode on day 1) I had a slight sore throat on Saturday, which snowballed into a horrible mess of sneeziness, congestion, couldn't swallow, couldn't breathe well at night and therefore couldn't sleep well, lost my voice, etc. I'm feeling a lot better today but I had planned to run a lot this week in preparation for the Memphis in May triathlon this coming week, and that didn't happen AT ALL. So I've been fretting about that a lot.
We went to church this morning and in Sunday school we covered chapters 8 & 9 of Max Lucado's new book 3:16. The whole study is about John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Chapter 9 was about how so many of us struggle with the fact that all we have to do is believe in order to be saved. How true. We think we have to do something to earn (or demonstrate) our salvation - but in fact Jesus himself said that all we have to do is believe! It is such a wonderful gift, it's no wonder it's hard to fathom.
As one of the examples in the book, Max Lucado mentions Dick & Rick Hoyt. I'd never heard of these two before. The son, Rick, was born with cerebral palsy. Nowadays this father and son team races together - we're talking marathons and iron man triathlons. Because of his disabilities, the son cannot do any of the work, but he trusts in his father and together they share in the glory. What a great example of what God has done for us through Christ. (Warning, you might want a tissue when you watch this video).
So needless to say, I'm going to stop whining that I was congested last week. I'll do my best in my triathlon.... and I'll be thinking of Team Hoyt for my inspiration next Sunday!
First, if anyone's been reading this, I do apologize for the lack of blogging lately! We haven't been up to anything new & exciting, just lots of work.
Today I had to run an errand at lunch and so I stopped at Potbelly's to get a sandwich. While there, I made a trip to the ladies room where I was greeted by this framed picture on the wall. I burst out laughing and I'd like to thank whoever decorated the Potbelly on McKinney Avenue for making my day: